An image, video and text moderation service using artificial intelligence (AI) provides an automated solution for reviewing and evaluating content on platforms, websites or social networks. This service helps to ensure compliance with guidelines, legal requirements and ethical standards. With an AI-based moderation service, platforms can create a safe environment, protect their users, and avoid legal consequences.
To prevent child pornography platform operators certainly scan communication
Platform operators like for example Microsoft, Facebook and Google are now allowed to scan private chats between users to prevent child pornography. That includes of course the exchange of pictures of abused children and teens.
State investigative authorities motivated to use AI
NRW study published: Artificial Intelligence (AI) software developed as a prototype for state investigative authorities can detect and distinguish with an accuracy of 92% child and adolescent pornography as well as non-criminal adult pornography. See how airis:protect can outperform this by 98%.